Are you wondering how to start a camper van conversion? This guide offers step-by-step instructions to help you transform your vehicle into a home on wheels. If you’ve never had a camper van or motorhome, first find out what you actually need. I assume you’ve chosen the type of van best suited to you. However, you don’t know what you really need, what interior layout would be best for you and whether you actually need a shower.

The test phase
“Put a mattress from your flat or an air bed in the van and go for a long weekend”
You’ll find out what works for you, what doesn’t and how you’d like living in the van. I know people who have put a mattress in a van and come back 2 months later. Only then did they start remodeling the van.

Buying materials
If you’ve never remodeled a van and you don’t have experience with it, don’t buy all the materials and extras at once. What you think will fit may change. Only buy what you really need at the moment. You’ll save a lot of money.

Meetings and exhibitions
It’s ideal to go to a travel meet-up at least once, such as the Overland Festival, Vanlife Meet or VW Bus Reunion. You’ll see for yourself what a converted van like this looks like.
Even if you’re not planning to buy a camper van, go and see what such a camper van or professional van looks like inside. I recommend visiting a local motorhome dealer, car dealership or motorhome show. You’ll definitely get inspired and get a new perspective. I write more about motorhome shows in this article.

Make your “how to start a camper van conversion plan”!
This is going to sound a bit ridiculous, but it’s like anything you’re trying to do for the first time. You don’t know where to start and what to do first. Grab a paper and pen or open a new note-taking app document
“Make a rough rebuilding plan”
What do you need? Then break down and elaborate on those individual points in more detail. Bullet points, bullet points, and bullet points will be perfectly adequate to start with.