San Daniele del Friuli is a village in the north-east of Italy. We visit it quite often, I would say every year. The reason is its quite good position close to the motorway from Austria to Italy. How far is San Daniele from the motorway + price for motorway toll…

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The following sections describe the most common faults and problems with a gas fridge that operates in a triple combination on 12V or 230V. Refrigerator won’t turn on at 230V Circuit breaker tripped at 230V Reset the circuit breaker to 230V Refrigerator not working on 12V while driving Refrigerator switch…

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Most people go to Paris because of Ajfel and Louvre. We have not been to the Ajfel or the Louvre. We saw the Ajfel almost every day, and we’ve also been to the park by the Louvre about five times. The purpose of our visit to Paris was longboarding along…

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We have been to Florence about three times. Once about ten years ago in the summer, when we were travelling around Europe by car. We slept in a campsite in Pisa and only went to Florence for a day trip. The last time we were in Florence by motorhome was…

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